The World of Work is a brand new local website that is raising awareness and changing perceptions about the different kinds of occupations and jobs in local businesses. It is being actively promoted to all the schools, colleges and careers advisors in the area.

We know that there is a gap between what young people think they know about the world of work and the reality, and that there are misconceptions and a lack of knowledge about the fantastic careers that are available in Lincolnshire. 

The website is not a job vacancy site.  It is a tool that employers can use to tell young people, and their parents, about the variety of roles and occupations they recruit to and the kind of skills that employers look for.

If you are an employer and want to get a message to schools about the different kinds of occupations that your business recruits to, or the different kinds of skills you employ, why not have your own section on the site completely free of charge? 

Why not provide a video showing what it's like to work in your industry, or write a few lines about the kind of skills or qualities you look for in a new recruit, or tell us about an unusual job and challenge people's perceptions?  You could even ask an apprentice to write about their experiences.

To get an entry on the site please contact Prue Day from Get My First Job, the company that has been commissioned to design the website and is working with Lincolnshire employers now to collate information. Email  or contact Clare Hughes at the LEP to find out more:

See the website now at