We awaited the new Chancellor’s first Autumn Statement with interest, although with the public finances as they are and with Brexit causing uncertainty no-one expected grand gestures or generous giveaways.

As it turned out, one of the most surprising announcements made by Philip Hammond on 23rd November was that his first Autumn Statement would be his last. The Spring Budget 2017 will be the final Budget held during springtime, and after that Budgets will be held in the autumn. The Government will also provide a yearly spring update on growth figures.

Ruth Carver, Director of the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “I recognise the challenges the Chancellor faces, but if we are to have a country that works for everyone then investment and financial measures must reach every place and every part.

“A number of measures announced in November, such as 100% rate relief for small rural businesses and the raising of personal allowances to £11,500, will specifically help people and businesses in Greater Lincolnshire.

“I’m also hopeful that the multi-million pound investment in roads and digital infrastructure will be of benefit locally. Good roads are vital to a business’s ability to move its goods – and staff – while fast broadband is equally important to our growing number of digital businesses.

“As Director of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP I am very pleased to see that the role of the LEP is now fully incorporated in the government’s economic planning and that further funding for the Midlands and East of England LEPs has been announced.”