In his Budget on 16th March 2017 the Chancellor Philip Hammond announced the creation of a £250m Midlands Engine Investment Fund aimed at boosting the region’s economy and supporting the growth ambitions of its 460,000 smaller businesses.

The fund, a joint agreement between the British Business Bank and 11 Local Enterprise Partnerships in the Midlands, will bring together legacy funding from existing programmes, new funding from the British Business Bank and new European funding.

It will provide gap funding across the whole Midlands Engine area to businesses that have struggled to find finance from alternative sources.

The British Business Bank has also committed to strengthening the links between its national access to finance programmes and local business support, including employing dedicated staff to work across the Midlands region.

The Midlands Engine Investment Fund OJEU procurement notice for Fund Manager Services has now been issued and can be found on the Delta e-sourcing portal here.

To find out more about the Midlands Engine Fund visit the website: