The LEP is looking for leaders in manufacturing to join the Manufacturing Board.

The LEP is looking for leaders in manufacturing to join the Manufacturing Board, to act as ambassadors for the industry and to represent the sector across Greater Lincolnshire.

We currently have vacancies available for the Chair and the Vice Chair of this board, which forms the expert and leadership group to support and accelerate the growth, productivity and competitiveness of the manufacturing economy in Greater Lincolnshire.

“As a member of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP Manufacturing Board, I have been impressed by how the group has been a driving force behind supporting the manufacturing industry in the region," says David Talbot of Catch UK, who is a member of the Manufacturing Board.

"It has been so much more than a group that meets and networks, as it actually delivers. The board has provided support to some fantastic initiatives such as the University of Lincoln-led Greater Lincolnshire Engineering and Manufacturing network group and the Lincolnshire Institute of Technology among many others.

"This support can only enhance and improve the manufacturing base in our region. As the CEO of an industrial membership and skills organisation in the Humber it's great to be able to bring a knowledge base to this board from our members with the aim of championing manufacturing across Greater Lincolnshire.”

You can find out more about the board’s current members here.

Current priorities include championing manufacturing across Greater Lincolnshire, developing an action plan for competitive and sustainable manufacturing through the Made Smarter programme, establishing a manufacturing network, and employee engagement in skills.  The Manufacturing Board oversees delivery of the action plan while communicating progress to the LEP.

The successful candidates will attend meetings of the Manufacturing Board, which reports in to the LEP as a strategic board group, and its aim will be to shape and influence future manufacturing in Greater Lincolnshire.  

"We particularly welcome applications from female candidates and candidates from diverse backgrounds.

This role is voluntary and will involve attending four meetings per year, currently being hosted virtually. Occasional presentations to the LEP Board may also be required.

Should this position be of interest please send a CV and covering letter to Amy O’Sullivan at the LEP - amy.o’ - by 5th September 2022.