An ambassador programme which aims to promote Lincolnshire to the wider world is set to be expanded.

Until now Team Lincolnshire has been an informal group of business people who help to promote Lincolnshire, particularly at the annual MIPIM property show in Cannes.

But on Thursday 30th November the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership and Lincolnshire County Council will relaunch the scheme and call for more business people to sign up.

“Team Lincolnshire was originally a collaboration between the LEP and representatives of the property and construction industry at MIPIM,” said Jill McCarthy, Head of the Growth Team at Lincolnshire County Council ‎Economic Development Services.

“The group quickly grew and was such a success that we decided to develop Team Lincolnshire and open it up to other sectors.

“Team Lincolnshire members are passionate about promoting Lincolnshire as an attractive place to live, work and invest and about encouraging new business to invest in the region.

“The concept is that all members become ambassadors for the region, fuelling our economy and securing our future. Team Lincolnshire represents the private and public sector working together across all sectors, and it is widely recognised that collaborating together to promote the area gives us a much stronger and passionate voice.”

Team Lincolnshire will be relaunched at the Doubletree by Hilton hotel in Lincoln on Thursday 30th November from 10.30am until 2pm

Among the speakers will be Ruth Carver, Director of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP; Councillor Colin Davie, LEP Board Director and Executive Councillor for Economic Development, Environment, Strategic Planning and Tourism at Lincolnshire County Council; Jill McCarthy, Head of the Growth Team in Economic Development at Lincolnshire County Council; and two Team Lincolnshire members: Tim Downing from estate agents Pygott and Crone and Eric Hilton of Nutrapharma.

Business people who are passionate about promoting Lincolnshire and who are interested in becoming a member of Team Lincolnshire are invited to attend.

Tim Downing commented: “We’re a founding member of Team Lincolnshire and we’ve found it incredibly beneficial as a way of promoting the county to outside investors and developers.

“Working in collaboration with other businesses is far more powerful than just trying to plough our own furrow and I’d recommend it to businesses in other sectors – especially manufacturing and food, two industries we’re very proud of in Lincolnshire.”

As well as helping promote Greater Lincolnshire, Team Lincolnshire members benefit from a range of services and support, including:

  • being part of a team of like-minded individuals and organisations passionate about promoting Lincolnshire
  • attendance at an annual Lincolnshire in London event
  • early and unique access to information about Greater Lincolnshire through a newsletter
  • access to a toolkit of marketing materials
  • the opportunity to attend a number of events every year
  • a page on the Team Lincolnshire website to profile your business
  • the opportunity to build new relationships at senior level to secure new business and to share your news through our website, social media channels, media relationships and Team Lincolnshire newsletter
  • ongoing PR and marketing support for members
  • MIPIM UK and MIPIM packages available

The annual subscription fee to join Team Lincolnshire is £350 per business per year. To find out more email or telephone 01522 550618.