Greater Lincolnshire benefits from Growth Deal grant funding.

Since 2011, Greater Lincolnshire has benefited from three rounds of Growth Deal grant funding. Many of the schemes are now under way, reaching completion or completed on site.

The programme aims to enhance economic growth and support Greater Lincolnshire's priority sectors, contributing towards the delivery of the LEP's Strategic Economic Plan.

The projects vary in scale and funding requirement, but all are collectively and fundamentally important to Greater Lincolnshire as an evolving place, to ensure that our economy continues to thrive and prosper.

One of the key highlights this year has been the Lincoln Transport Hub, a £29m scheme which secured £13m of Growth Deal, led by City of Lincoln Council in partnership with the LEP and the Department for Transport. The project demonstrates how an inclusive approach to delivery can make a difference, as the scheme has effectively engaged, listened to and informed local transport operators, local businesses, universities and colleges, the public and key stakeholders throughout the design and development process.

The bus station and car park were both opened by January 2018, ahead of schedule, and the official scheme launch is being organised this spring. Public response so far to this new gateway in to Lincoln has been extremely positive.

The Unlocking Rural Housing Programme has proved a huge success this year, and many new affordable homes have been completed and marketed. The Go Skegness sustainable transport project has revitalised and created several kilometres of new cycle routes, user friendly bus stops, and tourism links, including improved access to Gibraltar Point.

A number of major infrastructure-related investments, though unsurprisingly complex, are making good progress and will enable significant housing and employment developments over the next few years – in particular our three emerging Food Enterprise Zones located in Holbeach, Hemswell and Grimsby.

Another exciting investment has been the creation of a Skills Capital Investment fund for our area, which has provisionally secured £7.3m to improve learning, technical skills and apprenticeship provision linked to business needs within our key sectors. Four schemes have been awarded provisional allocations.

There is no doubt that the Growth Deal is making a powerful impact on Greater Lincolnshire.