Give An Hour Supports QEGS in Horncastle
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The Give An Hour campaign highlights the fact that in as little as one hour organisations can help to transform a young person’s future by bringing to life different career opportunities and providing insight into the skills young people need to be work-ready and successful in the workplace.
Fifty people from a variety of Greater Lincolnshire businesses have now signed up, and four of them supported Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School in Horncastle with a year 13 mock interview day recently.
The event gave the students the opportunity to be interviewed by someone from an industry that interested them. It was a great success and students took feedback away on how to hone their interview skills.
Alex Nightingale, Enterprise Co-ordinator at The Greater Lincolnshire LEP, said: “We know that careers leaders need further support to build a network of engaged businesses. This event is a perfect example of how the Give an Hour Campaign can help.
“As an Enterprise Co-ordinator I make the introduction between the Give an Hour member and the school, and the careers leader then looks to take the relationship forward. It is a sustainable model to help schools build their own business network.”
Sarah Holmes, Careers Leader at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Horncastle, said: "As part of our careers programme we offer Year 13 students the opportunity to participate in a mock interview day.
“For many of our students this is their first real interview experience, so it’s important to provide a meaningful opportunity which relates to their future aspirations. We are extremely grateful to Alex and Liz for their support in helping us to source a broad range of local business representatives through the Give an Hour campaign.
“They not only interviewed our students, but also provided a really valuable interaction with constructive feedback to support them in the future.”
Harry Lancaster, a Give an Hour member from Lincolnshire Police, said: “We can really see the value in the Give an Hour Campaign and it’s great to see the enthusiasm and interest from young people thinking about their futures.”
Give an Hour member Samantha Northway from Scanlinc added: “The mock interview day was well communicated and very well organised and ran smoothly. The students were all very responsive and enthusiastic and I believe they will have greatly benefited from the day. I wouldn’t hesitate to take part again.”