Join other local businesses to promote Greater Lincolnshire

We are proud of Greater Lincolnshire. The area is going through an unprecedented period of development and investment, driving growth into new markets, infrastructure, technology and skills. We are also investing in new housing, promoting international trade and creating a sustainable and desirable location to live, work and invest.

At the heart of this growth is a supportive business community, fiercely proud of Lincolnshire and keen to champion our diverse and flourishing county. We are passionate about promoting the county as an attractive place to live, work and invest and about encouraging new business to invest in the region.

This attitude towards business and this enthusiasm for the region was one of the driving forces behind the creation of Team Lincolnshire – the public/private sector contingent brought together with the purpose of championing Lincolnshire.

The initiative originally stemmed from collaboration between the LEP and representatives of the property and construction industry at MIPIM. The group quickly grew and was such a success that the need arose to develop Team Lincolnshire and open it up to other sectors.

The concept behind Team Lincolnshire is that all members become ambassadors for the region, fuelling our economy and securing our future. Team Lincolnshire represents the private and public sector working together across all sectors, and it is widely recognised that collaborating together to promote the area gives us a much stronger and passionate voice.

Over the past few years, the initiative has gone from strength to strength. Team Lincolnshire has now expanded into two other key sectors that flourish within the region: manufacturing and agri-tech. Our network is made up of a diverse a passionate group of people ranging from entrepreneurial SMEs and academia to global businesses.

You can be a part of Team Lincolnshire! Membership can open up a wealth of opportunities for your company, as well as enhance the region’s reputation as a place to work, visit, meet and invest. Team Lincolnshire has generated a community of businesses that benefit from a wide range of connections, network opportunities, marketing and events.

We are a powerful and influential group, with a key focus on championing the region, improving the environment for businesses, so that we attract investment while retaining and nurturing the skills pool here to create a thriving economy.

As well as helping promote Greater Lincolnshire, Team Lincolnshire members benefit from a great range of services and support, including:

  • being part of a team of like-minded individuals and organisations passionate about promoting Lincolnshire for the benefit of all
  • attendance at an annual Lincolnshire in London event
  • early and unique access to information about Greater Lincolnshire through a newsletter
  • access to a toolkit of marketing materials
  • the opportunity to attend a number of events every year, the majority of which are free, and priority to sponsor other events.
  • a page on our website to profile your business with photo, contact and email address
  • the opportunity to build new relationships at senior level to secure new business and to share your news through our website, social media channels, media relationships and Team Lincolnshire newsletter
  • your logo on all relevant materials
  • an invitation to the official launch plus guests
  • ongoing PR and marketing support for members
  • MIPIM UK and MIPIM packages available

In return we expect members to be ambassadors for Greater Lincolnshire and all that it offers, to champion Greater Lincolnshire as a place to live, work and invest, and to be willing to be part of the PR and marketing campaign where relevant.

The annual subscription fee to join Team Lincolnshire is £500 per business per annum. Existing members of Team Lincolnshire who have already invested in MIPIM 2018 or MIPIM UK 2017 will have their annual fee waived for the first year.

To find out more email or telephone 01522 550618.