E-Factor is taking pro-active steps to support businesses in our region – and we need your help!

We know these are challenging times for businesses across the UK.  Many of the companies and organisations we support locally have been forced to suspend or cut back their operations under lockdown and it is proving difficult to formulate plans for ‘getting back to normal’, working with limited information.

So, we’ve put together a consumer survey to provide a barometer of how consumers feel the crisis is impacting on their behaviour and how this might play out, once the crisis is over.

We need to get as many people as possible to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WHBSBG3

Once we have the results, we will be sharing them back with all the local businesses we support, giving them the insights we’ve captured to help them get a head start in planning for recovery.

What we need from you:

  • You are a consumer and your views matter, so please answer the survey yourself!
  • Please share the link with your customers and encourage them to participate, and share again.
  • Please push the survey link out to your networks and encourage extra people to take part. (Simply paste the link into email, a Facebook post or on LinkedIn).

The more people we can get to take the survey, the more insights we will be able to share.

To encourage people to take part, there is prize draw and one participant will receive £100 of Amazon vouchers.

The survey will close at 5pm on the 11th May, so please don’t delay.  Take part and share the link today.