Housing and the economy in Greater Lincolnshire are inextricably linked, contributing significantly to the local economy by creating two jobs for every house built.
Greater Lincolnshire is committed to housing growth, with Local Plans working towards the delivery of 100,000 new dwellings by 2031. Planned new developments will provide major growth opportunities along nationally important investment corridors. The LEP is working with partners to plan for the necessary infrastructure to support this growth.
The right mix of housing helps to attract and retain the workforce needed to enable growth, whilst new development generates employment opportunities and encourages spending in the local economy.
Much of Greater Lincolnshire enjoys relatively low housing costs, which contributes to making it a great place to live and work. In some areas, however, addressing flood risk can make development unviable, particularly where land values are low. Our investment has targeted this and supported area-based schemes that unlock housing developments, increasing the vitality of our area.
Since the launch of our Strategic Economic Plan, the LEP has enabled the delivery of a multitude of affordable housing developments and funded infrastructure which, in turn, will unlock other major sites. Click here to view our current and completed Growth Projects.
The LEP has partnership funded over 450 homes which are now completed and occupied.
The Unlocking Rurual Housing Programme has delivered a diverse range of housing in key geographical areas.
- The Boston Quadrant scheme is a new development which has provided 500 homes and a new football stadium to the community.