On the 4th July the second of three events run by the University of Lincoln, Innovate UK, and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership brought together a diverse group of businesses, advisors and support bodies to discuss how Lincolnshire businesses can secure support for innovation.   

With over 80 people in attendance, the event at NCFM at the South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone focused on the potential for innovation in the agri-food sector. 

Greater Lincolnshire has seen low levels of investment in innovation in the past and these events look to encourage more local businesses to apply for innovation grants from UKRI and other funding sources.   

In agri-food the UK Food Valley has seen a very rapid increase in funded innovation projects and the Lincoln Institute of Agri-Food Technology (LIAT) is now the largest recipient of Innovate UK funding in the agrifood sector, working with a large number of businesses in Lincolnshire and across the UK. 

The University of Lincoln and UK Food Valley are keen to help more businesses access funding and for help to understand what might be available please contact: enterprise@lincoln.ac.uk