Following a meeting at Fishmongers’ Hall in December 2022 with Fishmongers’ representatives it was agreed that SGHA and David Ross Education Trust (DRET) would plan for the Grimsby seafood cluster to engage with schools in the area.

The purpose being raising the awareness of careers in Seafood towards pupils, teachers, parents and pupils of varying age groups. 
It was agreed that engagement at the North East Lincolnshire (NELC) Careers event in July would be a positive first step that would include a ‘Made Great in Grimsby’ marquee with interactive games, competitions and give-aways. This was supported by Hilton Seafoods, Young’s, Fastnet, University of Lincoln, New England Seafoods and others. 
Joanne Woodhouse from David Ross Education Trust said: “The mutual aim is to provide the businesses and organisations engagement with pupils from local schools and give them the best experience of our seafood sector and highlight the career opportunities. DRET are delighted to be partnering with The Fishmongers’ Company and Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance group.” 
Simon Dwyer, Seafood Grimsby & Humber Alliance Representative, said: “This is by far the largest engagement the region’s leading seafood cluster has had with our local schools. We’re grateful for the Seafish Industry Authority and Fishmongers’ Company for supporting the event that included ‘Made Great in Grimsby’ give-aways, quizzes with prizes and the opportunity for pupils and career leaders to meet industry representatives.” 
The Skills Fair took place on 4th July 2023 at Grimsby Auditorium and was a large event, open to all 10 secondary schools in NE Lincs. The event was aimed at students in year 10 (aged 15-16) who are about to embark on their final year of compulsory education and GCSE examinations. The event is well supported by all post 16 providers including colleges, sixth forms, apprenticeship and training providers and employers.