The Lincolnshire Energy Conference led by Lincolnshire County Council will be a landmark event bringing together businesses, infrastructure providers and policymakers to discuss affordable pathways to net zero.
This is the must-attend event for businesses, policymakers and infrastructure leaders navigating the transition to net zero, exploring innovative solutions, investment opportunities and strategies to create an affordable, resilient energy future for Lincolnshire and beyond. It takes place on 25th February 2025 at the University of Lincoln.
BBC reporter Jessica Lane will be the host for the event guiding delegates through an engaging day filled with insightful discussions and presentations from speakers, including:
- Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Councillor: Economic Development, Environment and Planning
- Julian Free CBE, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Lincoln
- Sir John Peace, Chair of the Midlands Engine
- Cordi O'Hara OBE FEI, President, National Grid UK Electricity Distribution
- Stuart Piccaver, CEO, JEPCO
- Dr John Constable, Energy Director for the Global Warming Policy Foundation
- Dr Ghenadie Bulat, Head of New Technologies for Gas Services, Siemens Energy
Given the importance of affordable, sustainable energy to the food sector, the UK Food Valley is pleased that Stuart Piccaver of JEPCO has agreed to talk about their business plans to combine state-of-the-art food production with investment in energy systems.
More details are available here.