Lincoln Agri-Robotics (LAR) was established in 2019 as a project funded by Research England’s Expanding Excellence in England (E3) development funding programme, with a remit to focus on accelerating the commercialisation of agricultural robotics to address labour supply and cost constraints.

A new report reviews how LAR has grown rapidly in the last five years and helped to drive forward a culture of collaborative R&D with industry and academic partners, with the explicit aim of tackling some of the most pressing and difficult challenges in agriculture.

LAR has focused on applied innovation, leading to technologies which have already been adopted on farms, the creation of new companies, and new jobs in the agri-tech industry in the region.

The E3 grant enabled LAR to invest in a world-leading staff team, as well as modernising the facilities at the Riseholme Campus of the University of Lincoln to launch new programmes and innovation support services targeting digitisation, automation, robotics and the application of AI to agritech.

LAR has helped the agri-tech cluster led by the Lincoln Institute for AgriFood Technology (LIAT) grow into the UK’s premier centre for automation and digitalisation in the agri-food sector.  To date, the team have secured over £100m of delivery funding for 149 projects involving 250 unique partners.

The team has helped create startups including FruitCast - Forecasting made simple, whose innovative crop forecasting models using AI and vision systems were showcased at the Global Investment Summit in autumn 2023.

Course provision now includes:

It has recently launched a brochure highlighting the history, identity and successes of Lincoln Agri-Robotics and the collaborations that exist between the Lincoln Institute of Agri-Food Technology and the Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems, two leading research groups at the University of Lincoln.

Read the brochure here.