Infrastructure improvements at two strategically important junctions; Enabling housing and employment opportunities; Addressing congestion concerns.

This scheme improves traffic flow at two key strategic junctions in North East Lincolnshire and, in addition to easing congestion, the improvements support acceleration of housing and employment growth in the area.

North East Lincolnshire is the terminus point for a number of key highway routes. Each of these routes suffer from outdated junction infrastructure, which has historically not been amended in line with growth, and now presents restrictions for future growth in both housing and economic market places.

A16 at Toll Bar

This junction has a history of peak hour congestion. The scheme has been designed to a high standard, is deliverable within the highway boundary and also improves conditions for pedestrians.

The project has made a number of amendments to the existing roundabout arrangement, making the junction capable of accommodating the existing levels of traffic which currently commute through the roundabout, and provides enough spare junction capacity to allow for future growth. This has been achieved by a series of widening approaches, changes to onward lane allocations, and amendments to exit lane arrangements.

A46 Interaction with Littlecoates Road / Cambridge Road

The Littlecoates Road/Cambridge Road improvement scheme junction is situated in western Grimsby. It lies immediately to the north of the A46, which has been identified by Midlands Connect as an important, pan-regional route connecting the West Midlands with the Humber Ports.

This scheme removes a well-known pinch point from North East Lincolnshire’s highway network providing a new, full sized roundabout to replace the existing, substantially-congested mini roundabout. The new roundabout has spare capacity in its design, so will also partially future-proof this corridor for new traffic. It assists in the delivery of new housing sites, including 400 new homes at the former Western School site on Cambridge Road, Grimsby and improves traffic flow to existing employment sites.

Contact or 01724 297465 for further information.