Sleaford Growth Project Phases 1 and 2
Unlocking future growth potential in the town of Sleaford
Sleaford Growth is a programme to deliver two key junction improvements at Sleaford. Both have a critical role to play in unlocking future growth potential in the town, in terms of residential and commercial development with associated population and employment growth.
Phase 1
This scheme involves the construction of a new signalised junction at the A17 slip-road with the A153 as well as slip road capacity improvements. Sleaford Industrial Area is already a popular and successful employment area with very few plots remaining, but the allocated 14.7ha extension Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park cannot be developed without the A17/A153 junction improvements. The junction already suffers from congestion at peak periods leading to delays and safety concerns.
Phase 2
The Holdingham Roundabout is a major intersection on the A17/A15, a key arterial route both north/south (Lincoln/Peterborough and East Coast Ports) as well as east/west (Kings Lynn/Nottinghamshire). Sleaford is identified in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan as a key area for growth, with c12% (4,435) of the total homes and employment land needed within Central Lincolnshire to be delivered. This growth is to be accommodated primarily via a strategy based on Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUE’s). At present Holdingham Roundabout has known capacity issues that need to be addressed for the growth of Sleaford as well as the growth of Central Lincolnshire and surrounding area to be realised. The SUE’s cannot fully be developed without improvements made to the capacity of Holdingham Roundabout.
This element of the Sleaford Growth Project will see installation of a traffic controlled signals on four of the five approaches to the roundabout, increased lanes with white lining on the roundabout and additional acceleration and deceleration lanes to improve both capacity of the junction but also safety. The operation of the lights will be via MOVA control, a dynamic form of traffic control with intelligence to adjust flows on each link to reflect the actual site conditions at any particular time.
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) is a Key delivery partner for both junctions, providing match funding, expertise, project management and delivery oversight of the project. LCC are also a landowner partner.
For further information on this project please contact Alan Gray on Alan_Gray@N-KESTEVEN.GOV.UK.