Provision of new access to Normanby Enterprise Park Site 7 and supporting on site infrastructure. Enabling quality office accommodation, and light industrial, storage and distribution premises.

Normanby Enterprise Park 7 (NEP7) is a large scale (27 ha) site comprising of B1, B2 and B8 land allocation in the Scunthorpe locality.  This project will provide infrastructure works to enable this strategically significant employment site to be developed. 

NEP7 was the last remaining undeveloped site within the prestigious development area known as Normanby Enterprise Park (NEP), located to the north of Scunthorpe.  The required works comprised constructing an off-site foul sewer in Foxhills Plantation, principal means of access from Moat Road and a new spine road, services, footway, cycleway, street lighting and signage on the main site.  The on-site infrastructure will open up a first phase of land on the NEP7 site, extending to approximately 10 hectares.Servicing of the balance of the site will be undertaken once disposal of the Phase 1 land has generated sufficient capital receipts to enable investment to provide the required infrastructure.

The majority of works are expected to be completed on site in early 2020, with the exception of some weeding and seeding (to be undertaken in the Spring of 2020) and the final wearing course (final tarmac layer) is to be applied to the constructed road.

Contact North Lincolnshire Council on or 01724 297330 for further information.