Do you rethink, reduce, refuse, reuse, recycle, repurpose, refurbish, renew, remanufacture, or repair as part of your business activity?

Collectively, we throw away tons of stuff each year. But some of that material still has much to offer. From repairing old products to enabling new business models, a successful circular economy has the potential to deliver significant positive outcomes for business, society, and the environment.

The Circular Economy is an alternative to a Make-Use-Dispose economy in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate product and materials at the end of their lives.

The Greater Lincolnshire LEP has been working with partners on a plan to develop a regional circular economy strategic framework, starting with the development of a circular economy evidence base.  With a focus on commercial, industrial, and research activity, the aim is to maximise the potential of harnessing circular economy principles and practice and to drive growth that supports net zero and environmental sustainability. 


In partnership with SOENECS Ltd,  Useful Projects and MetroDynamics, we brought together businesses from across Greater Lincolnshire to explore the opportunities and challenges in embedding circular practices across the county and discuss the development of a circular economy framework. You can view findings and full report from the link at the bottom of this page. 


Click here to find out more about the Circular Economy principles

Explore some of the fantastic examples of activity taking place across Greater Lincolnshire from SmartFert and CorrBoard