Greater Lincolnshire
Local Enterprise Partnership

Improving the lives and opportunities of communities and businesses in Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland

LEP Conference Tickets

Greater Lincolnshire LEP Conference 2024 tickets are now available!

Lincolnshire Showground, Lincoln. Thursday 07 November 2024.

Our Impact in Numbers

Unlocked over

£279 million

of additional investment through our funding programmes

Engaged with

20,000 businesses

across the Growth Hub programme

Led successful Humber Freeport bid bringing 7,000 jobs and

£2bn+ investment

Developing a Top 10 global

UK Food Valley


5,000 businesses

received 3+ hours of dedicated support

3,108 jobs

created and 2,711 learners and apprentices supported

16% economic growth in the last 5 years

40,325 VAT and PAYE registered businesses

Food manufacturing economic impact up +30% since 2014

* £279m is investment leveraged through our funding programmes; Single Local Growth Fund, European Structural Investment Fund, Business Lincolnshire, Get Britain Building Fund
* Humber Freeport represents forecast statistics – project delivery began Summer 2021
* Food manufacturing economic impact statistics - ONS Gross Value Added, Balanced by Enterprise Region